Reveal ?!

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A chapter of life hidden from all,

Revealed or known can shatter the wall !

Some secrets, feelings or emotions hidden,

Cannot be expressed, revealed or written !

At times we feel we want to come out,

Reveal those feelings and stop being a stout !

Dilemma that it will make us so weak,

Vulnerable and naked if emotions become bleak !

Never show your weakness to anyone they say !

what about these feelings churned up in a fray ?

I never thought I had to hide my feelings and churn it up inside until recent incidents in my life changed everything. I always had someone to share my feelings but due to some reasons that person did not want to listen this time, Or I should say I felt of loosing the person if I revealed the feelings. It was churning up inside me and it was difficult to sleep, work or even eat, Finally I gathered up courage and told the person about what I felt. It was shocking that the person left me without even listening to my explanation. I felt really bad it was as if my heart was overburdened with lots of emotions I was really weak. I asked myself …

Are we so weak that we cannot control our own emotions?

Is it really necessary to have someone around always to listen?

To answer these questions I started to think about every aspect how did I put myself in this position, And to my surprise I found out that the saying “You should not show your weakness in front of anyone!” was partly correct. Its not that we are weak or we are needy its just that we want to let it out.  Its always inside us how to deal with our emotions but when we fail to do so we just need someone to talk to or to share to. We should not show our weakness to everyone that’s correct but we should also analyze who is the person we are putting our trust in, We should know that however weak I will be that person will accept me or not. Only then we can be completely open to them.

Its just that we are trusting the person  that even if I am weak, strong, timid or whatever I feel he/she will accept me ,understand me and more importantly listen to me.

So choose the right person whom you want to reveal your secrets and feelings. Because sometimes its better to shatter the wall and let someone in, then to stay inside the closed wall alone.